Saturday, November 15, 2008


Everyday is National read-a-book-day. Sure, there’s a lot of good free stuff on the net and if you are a techie, know your way around the computer, you may think books have become obsolete. The facts would prove otherwise. According to Book Industry TRENDS 2007 published by the Book Industry Study Group (BISG) sales in 2006 rose 3.1% over 2005 and stand at 3.2 billion units sold, producing a revenue of $35.69 billion.
Some of the advantages of reading the real thing (book in hand vs. staring at a computer screen) are:
Uncensored (read what you want when you want)
un-Googled (no body is spying on your reading preferences)
no batteries needed
no malfunctions
do it anywhere
mark it up
share it
keep it on your shelf

Today’s production techniques have lowered the cost of producing a quality product.